Sunday, February 26, 2012


So what I gathered from this reading is that sound is way more important than what I thought it was. I always knew it was important, but when it comes to score, it could potentially have more of an affect than some visuals. Chion says "The ear analyzes, processes, and synthesizes faster than the eye" so does this mean than sound should come first? Like in a scary movie...maybe that split second of loud noise before you see the scary image is really what scares us. It all works together. I've always remembered M.Night Shyamalan to use sounds more than images to create tension. I will keep this in mind when I choose sound devices in my work, and the potential importance of it.


The Wells text proved to be interesting. The old time animation has so many processes to it, but today's also consists of computer technology. I'm not sure which is more complicated. I know that during my recent 100 frame animation, I struggled with the free hand drawing of it. I could not make the images match. I'm sure it will come out less than stellar, in which case I will just claim it to be experimental. I also found it interesting that each animated character was designed with a humanizing characteristic (donald duck, sailor outfit). I never noticed that before, I guess because they were already humanized in my eyes. The evolution of animation needs more credit than what we usually hear about.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cameraless Filmmaking: My experience so far

When we started this class, it was described that we were going to partaking in cameraless filmmaking. I had ideas of ways this could be done, but not a knowledge of how it could be done. Manipulating film strips was something I never rally looked into, but it's turned out to be fun and has prodded at my abilities in creativity. My favorite technique (so far) was using magazine clips to pasted onto the film. I honestly did not know I could do that, and now I feel inspired to make my own.  Last week I painted and scratched the film while my partner worked with rayograming, and I am looking forward to working with rayograms. Since we aren't far in the semester, I know there are more techniques to perfect when deciding how to make an experimental film. As for for, I am engaged in the class and enjoying every week. Next is the pinhole camera!

Monday, February 6, 2012


This was an interesting read, though it was not the first time I had heard of such condition. One of my friends (a cellist) claims he experiences these symptoms while playing the cello. He described it a seeing flares of color when playing or hearing music. His symptoms were similar to those described by Anne Salz in the Wiki post. It's hard for me to imagine this actually occuring. And I have to admit, I wish I saw what was described. But since I can't, this music video for Ljosio by Olafur Arnalds has always been what I envisioned the experience to be like (more or less). Enjoy.